MHHS Pre-Qualification Submission for electricity REC Parties
All Non-SIT Suppliers, Supplier Agents and MEMs, and new entrant DNOs - referred to as a Licensed Distribution System Operator (LDSO) in the MHHS Programme - are required to provide a Pre-Qualification Submission (PQS) for MHHS Qualification.
The submission will include all the information that Code Bodies need to make an informed judgement on a Party’s readiness and suitability to be allocated to a particular Qualification Wave. The information provided will also help Code Bodies to understand the resource and testing capacity required to support each Qualification Wave. For further information on the Qualification Waves, Parties should consult the Qualification Approach and Plan">.
Please note that:
- SIT participants are not expected to submit the PQS for the roles and Market Participant IDs (MPIDs) they are participating with in SIT. The proposed process for Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) submission for SIT Participants is set out in the Qualification Approach and Plan">.
- Existing DNOs participating in Non-SIT LDSO Qualification are not expected to submit the PQS.
All electricity REC Parties are required to become MHHS Qualified to operate the new MHHS arrangements. Some REC Parties have volunteered to support MHHS Programme testing through SIT. Others (referred to as Non-SIT Parties) will need to undertake Qualification Testing directly with Code Bodies.
The PQS window opened on 05 February 2024 and final submissions must be provided by 17:00 on 26 April 2024. The Code Bodies are hosting a Pre-Qualification Submission webinar on 07 March 2024.
For more information on the Pre-Qualification Submission and how to submit your information, please visit the "> MHHS website. If you have any questions about the Pre-Qualification Submission or Placing Reliance, please email