Tips for Using the REC Portal


You can choose to receive emails when certain notifications are triggered in the REC Portal - such as when a Change Consultation is launched, or when Performance Assurance deadlines approach. Click on the bell icon in the top right and choose to 'See all notifications'. You can then choose 'Configuration' from the menu that appears in the blue box outline of the notification window, where you can choose how you receive all the types of notification that the Portal generates. 
Is the number of new notifications on your notifications bell becoming unmanageable? You can mark them all as 'read' and reset to zero. Click on the bell icon in the top right and choose to 'See all notifications'. Then choose 'Mark All As Read' from the menu that appears in the blue box outline of the notification window.
If you're a Committee Member with access to a Collaboration Space, you can subscribe to a thread, sub-forum category or entire Collaboration Space to receive an email everytime someone makes a new post or edits an existing post. Click on the three-dot menu at the top of the Collaboration Space homepage, next to a Category, or next to a particular thread to click 'Subscribe' and start receiving emails to your registered email address. You can turn this off by taking the same steps and clicking 'Unsubcribe'.


Did you spot that you can cycle through the News Carousel on the Homepage? The top three news articles can be accessed this way, and further relevant news can be found at the bottom of the Homepage.

Document Libraries

Information is hosted in Document and Media Libraries in several different areas of the REC Portal - including for Committees and Performance Assurance organisational sites. Did you know that you can easily download entire folders from these libraries to your local device, rather than downloading one document at a time? Check the box to the left of one or more rows and then choose the download icon from the menu that appears.

REC Wiki

If you're struggling to interpret some of the technical terminology used within the REC and wider industry, you may find that the Acronym Buster published on the REC Wiki is a useful resource. Find it here.
Looking for an explainer on a topic but there's no relevant REC Wiki article to help you out? We are always inviting ideas for new Wiki articles, so let us know by emailing and we'll look to pull a fresh article together!

Change Process

Information about every REC Change Proposal can be found via the Change Register on the REC Portal. But if you'd prefer to download a copy of the Change Register, we have made an easily exportable Excel spreadsheet available which can be accessed on this page


Our friendly Service Desk team are available to provide support during all normal business hours. Have you tried using the Live Chat function through the pop-up in the bottom right of the screen? It's the fastest way to get in touch with us and get a quick response to your questions.