Green Deal - Green Deal
Green Deal
See also: Green Deal Arrangements Agreement (GDAA)
Green Deal refers to the scheme that was established for the installation and financing of energy efficiency improvements. The scheme provides loans to households so that they can implement and finance energy efficiency measures in the home such as insulation, heating and draught-proofing. The scheme, as established under Chapter 1 of Part of the Energy Act, is designed so that the loan is paid back through the savings made on the energy bills and is collected by the Electricity Supplier for the premise. The Green Deal loan is attached to the premise so that for the lifetime of the Green Deal loan the owner of the premise (the Green Deal Bill provider) at any given time is responsible for the repayment.
Finance plans are offered by Green Deal Providers. The arrangements and process, including collection and remittance for Green Deal users, are outlined in Schedule 18 – Green Deal Arrangements. The Green Deal Arrangements Agreement (GDAA) is the multi-party agreement between Electricity Suppliers and Green Deal Providers. It sets out the governance for payment collection and remittance of Green Deal charges and also forms part of the REC.