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Contract Manager

A Contract Manager is an individual associated to a REC Party who has specific responsibilities defined within the Retail Energy Code. Every REC Party is required to assign at least one Contract Manager. Contact details for all Contract Managers are held on the REC Party Register.


  1. Role of the Contract Manager
  2. Notification of Contract Manager Details
  3. Contract Manager Functions on the REC Portal


Role of the Contract Manager

Clause 24 of the REC Main Body explains that the role of the Contract Manager is to ‘monitor and manage general matters arising…on behalf of [its] Party’, where those matters are associated to the REC.

Generally, the Contract Manager is expected to be the first point of call between the REC Party and the Code Manager. They are expected to be responsible for receiving information from the Code Manager and ensuring that information is shared with appropriate people within their organisation.

The Contract Manager is an automatic recipient of certain Code Manager communications including the REC Weekly Bulletin.

Specifically, throughout the REC the Contract Manager role has certain defined responsibilities related to sending and receiving information. Examples include:

Notification of Contract Manager Details

REC Parties notify the Code Manager of their initial Contract Manager during the Accession process (through its Accession Agreement).

In addition to the Contract Manager, REC Parties are also entitled to appoint multiple Operational Contacts to receive messages and queries specific to REC Services or processes. Operational Contacts can be found listed on the Operational Contacts Register on the REC Portal.

REC Parties must ensure they keep contact details up to date and must notify the Code Manager of any changes to their nominated Contract Manager. To notify the Code Manager, a REC Party should raise a ticket with the Service Desk on the REC Portal.

Contract Manager Functions on the REC Portal

REC Portal Users who have the role of nominated Contract Manager for their organisation will be given the Contract Manager role on the REC Portal.

In addition to the standard permissions associated with a REC Portal User, those associated with a Contract Manager role can access the Operational Contacts Register within the Party Operations area.

If you are a Contract Manager and believe that you do not have the correct REC Portal access level, please raise a ticket via the REC Portal Service Desk.

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