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Do you have a question about the REC or related arrangements? Want to throw your question out to industry experts from both the Code Manager and beyond? Access the industry's hive mind here!

This page of the REC Portal was launched in November 2023 to help you raise the questions you need answering. Any logged-in Portal User can ask a question and anyone can answer too!

Subscribe to the forum or individual threads to receive email updates when new posts are added.


Please use this space with courtesy. The Code Manager may lock threads and/or delete posts that we deem to be offensive or inappropriate.

Please Read: Forum Rules

Paul Rocke, modified 8 Months ago.

Please Read: Forum Rules

Youngling Post: 1 Join Date: 27/08/21 Recent Posts
We ask our Portal Users to follow a small number of house rules when posting on these forums, to ensure an enjoyable and fair experience for all those who want to ask a question or provide an answer. Please be aware of these rules and consider them when posting. The Code Manager reserves the right to lock threads and/or delete posts that go against the rules or spirit of the forum.

  1. Please be kind and courteous in the language you use with others. Abusive or offensive posts will not be permitted.
  2. Please do not post in ALL CAPITALS. This is considered rude, akin to shouting in real life.
  3. Please do not use the forum to advertise any external products or services.
  4. Please do not use the forum to raise complaints about the REC arrangements. These should be emailed to to be dealt with appropriately. 
  5. Please do not raise disputes with individual organisations or use the forum to 'name and shame'. These issues should be emailed to to be progressed.
  6. Please avoid disclosing any personal information on the forum - including email addresses and telephone numbers. Your posts can be seen by anyone.
  7. Please do not create a second account or alias for the purpose of posting in the forum. Portal Users should be identifiable by a valid first name, last name, and email address, and suspected aliases may have their REC Portal account deactivated.
  8. It is strictly prohibited to discuss any open court case to avoid any legal complications.

Thank you.