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REC Portal Release Notes - 30 November 2023

REC Portal Release Notes - 30 November 2023
Release notes for the recent Portal changes
HTML Editor - Full Version

The next deployment of changes is being prepared. The changes are summarised below. If you have any questions, please contact

Name T3.5.12
Date 30 November 2023
Time 5pm
Summary This release seeks to enhance the email notification process through the REC Portal, specifically around when they are triggered and ensuring all Portal users receive them when appropriate. There is also an enhancement being implemented around updating the status of particular REC Portal actions.
Detail of Change #1

Reminder Notifications are being triggered when the status is ‘Pending’

An error was found which meant portal users were receiving reminder email notifications when the status of their RFI was ‘Pending’. This also affected the Remediation Tracker and Training, Survey and Forms tabs within the Performance Assurance area. The fix will ensure portal users only receive these reminders when the status is ‘Open’ and the due date has been reached and not when the status is ‘Pending.

Detail of Change #2

Notification skipping users in a group send, e.g for RFIs.

An error was found which meant that some users were not receiving reminder notifications. This was a result of email server configuration relating to concurrent messaging and has been fixed in the portal code. This impacted the RFI & Queries, Your Files, Remediation Tracker and Training, Surveys and Forms tabs within the Performance Assurance area. The fix implemented will ensure all reminder notifications are sent to all the appropriate users.

Detail of Change #3

Updating Statuses for RFIs

An error was found which meant when two or more calendar events were created in the portal with the same due date, the status of ‘Open’ and ‘Pending’ could only ever be changed for the first calendar event. This impacted the Home, Remediation Tracker and Training, Surveys and Forms tabs. The fix implemented will ensure the status of all calendar events can be correctly updated moving forward.