We would like to thank the Contract Managers that responded to our recent request for feedback on the Operational Account Manager service. We received feedback from a wide range of stakeholders and wanted to share some of the key areas we identified, and some of the areas we will focus on in the coming months
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Multiple attempts to contact the other 12% have been made and we are looking at other ways to outline the service we provide and how we can support these stakeholders
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These respondents are fairly satisfied with the content and structure of these sessions. The contact is predominantly made either through scheduled meetings or via email  

How can we improve these interactions?

You told us that you would like scheduled meetings and face-to-face sessions so we are considering the way we plan our OAM catch-ups with you. We are looking to offer optional face-to-face meetings during the year including some training and educational sessions. More details will be available from your OAM and via communications.

You also said you would like targeted information specific to the role that your organisation plays in the REC – we’ve taken that on board and are reviewing our communications and engagement to ensure you get what you need. Future enhancements to the REC Portal will allow you to subscribe to topics of interest which you will be notified about when they are produced.  In the meantime, we are investigating others ways we can categorise documentation and ways we can proactively update you of relevant updates.
‘Always on hand to support’

Asked to rank your overall satisfaction with your OAM out of 5 stars we averaged an overall 4-star rating with some great comments on our OAMs and the OAM service including ‘top-class service’, ‘speedy response’, ‘exceptionally helpful’ and ‘a pleasure to deal with’. Thank you for the recognition of our OAMs.We will continue to review the service to ensure we continue to offer you what you need and to offer the enhancements you suggested in your feedback.

You can tell us your views on the OAM service or any aspect of the Code Manager Service by clicking here.