Raise a REC Issue or Change

Any interested person, stakeholder, REC Party or the Code Manager can raise a REC Issue or propose a Change to the REC . If you are considering raising a REC Issue or a Change Proposal, the Code Manager would welcome a conversation with you. The Code Manager can help you decide the right route to resolve an issue and can help clarify understanding. If you are a REC Party you can contact your Operational Account Manager, or you can contact the REC Service Desk. 


What is a REC Issue?

A REC Issue is a problem or a concern that you encounter with the REC. Raising an issue into the REC Code Manager will allow you to communicate your problem to the relevant parties and seek resolution and solution development.


What are the different types of REC Issue?

Code Issue


Operational Issue

A Code Issue is a problem that affects the rules or principles of the REC. It can be related to the legal, regulatory, or policy aspects of the code. A Code Issue may ultimately require a change to the code itself, such as a modification, an addition, or a deletion of the code text.

When you raise a Code Issue, it will be reviewed by the REC Change Team. They will verify the issue and advise you of the next steps. If a REC Code Issue is accepted it may be progressed through solution development to a REC Change Proposal.  


An Operational Issue is a problem that affects the day-to-day operation of the REC. For example, you might raise an Operational Issue if you encounter a technical error, a data quality issue, or a difference in interpretation with respect to an obligation.

When you raise an Operational Issue, it will be reviewed by the Code Manager and assigned to an Operational Group to investigate and propose a resolution. The resolution will be communicated to you and the other affected parties, along with any associated timescales.

Raise a Code Issue



Raise an Operational Issue


What is a REC Change?

A REC Change is a problem or a concern that you encounter while operating under the REC which has a fully defined solution and is ready to be progressed as a fully developed change. It can be related to the technical, operational, or governance aspects of the code. 

Raise a REC Change