MHHS Code Freeze

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Asset Publisher

C3-0060 Entry Assessment Forms

Category 3 Change ID
Email address
Telephone number
Category 3 Document
Entry Assessment Application Form
Description and Reason for Change
A clarification has been added to the Entry Assessment Forms to note that there is a separate Qualification Assessment Document (QAD) to complete for MHHS. Additionally, in line with the risk-based approach to Market Entry, the Code Manager has updated the ISDP with separate sections to be completed dependant on the applicant and their requested access, and also updated the Business Solutions Assessment to capture if an Applicant has previously operated in the market. Finally, based on Party feedback, the guidance for some questions was updated to provide more clarity.
Code Manager (RPA)
In Progress
Proposed Implementation Date
12 Jan 2024 - 00:00:00
Attach Supporting Document
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Consultation Responses
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Associated Category 1 or 2 Changes