MHHS Code Freeze

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Asset Publisher

C3-0062 Admin Changes to Align with Data Permissions Matrix XRN5605

Category 3 Change ID
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Category 3 Document
Gas Data Access Matrix
Description and Reason for Change
XRN5605 – Amendments to the must read process was raised to deliver the requirements of IGTUNC Modification 159V – Amendments to the must read process. This will add the following data attributes to the Data Permissions Matrix (DPM) which should then be reflected within the REC Gas Data Access Matrix (DAM). This is an administrative only change and no REC Parties will have access to this data, only the Performance Assurance Framework Administrator (PAFA). If REC Parties see these additions to the DAM as valuable and wish to make a use case for access, this would be dealt with as a separate change.
Code Manager (RPS)
Proposed Implementation Date
23 Feb 2024 - 00:00:00
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Associated Category 1 or 2 Changes