MHHS Code Freeze

Visit the new Market-wide Half Hourly Settlement page on the REC Portal. This is where you'll find relevant information about the MHHS Programme, change freeze, links to MHHS Wiki pages, information about events, and details of agreed consequential change solutions.

Asset Publisher

GES Online Portal User Guide

Category 3 Change ID
Email address
Telephone number
Category 3 Document
Gas Enquiry Service Portal User Guide Supplementary Document
Description and Reason for Change
XRN 5573 - Updates to the Priority Consumer process (as designated by the Secretary of State for Business, Energy, and Industrial Strategy - BEIS) – Urgent. Part A of this Change was implemented in October 2022 and Part B is currently being planned for implementation. An update to the wording surrounding ‘Priority Consumer Indicator’ field in the GES User Guide is needed. The changes will have no/an obligation for REC parties to take any additional actions.
GES Provider
In Progress
Proposed Implementation Date
15 Dec 2023 - 00:00:00
Attach Supporting Document
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Consultation Responses
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Associated Category 1 or 2 Changes