MHHS Code Freeze

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Performance Assurance Methodology and Techniques v3.0

Category 3 Change ID
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Category 3 Document
Performance Assurance Methodology
Description and Reason for Change
In line with the Performance Assurance Plan, the Code Manager has reviewed the Performance Assurance Methodology and Performance Assurance Techniques (PATs) documents, and made the following changes: • To ensure all relevant information is available in one place, we have combined the two documents into a single document. • To ensure that the PATs applied are proportionate, we have added the following principles for their application: o Notify first, allowing the Party to proactively investigate and fix potential issues. o Take a two-tier approach to PAT application wherein urgent matters get acted upon monthly, whilst other potential issues are batched up for quarterly issue of PATs, and where appropriate, utilise forum such as REC Issues Group (RIG) to consult with the industry. • All PATs have been reviewed and updates have been made to ensure all information available to Parties is current and relevant. • The Code Manager received feedback on this document from DCC. We have considered their feedback and made changes where we view them as appropriate. • Clarifications on the PAB’s role in making decisions around change to access, to prepare for R0118. • As a part of this review, we have also actioned some housekeeping changes. This Category 3 Change Proposal will also update the REC Baseline Statement to reflect the documents updates by this CP and C3-0050 Risk Register
Code Manager (RPA)
Proposed Implementation Date
09 Nov 2023 - 00:00:00
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Associated Category 1 or 2 Changes