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What are the enquiry services?

The Electricity Enquiry Service and the Gas Enquiry Services are live databases of all meter point information.  The information is used to enable processes such as switching energy supplier. 
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Information on the enquiry services

  • Meter point Administration Number   This is a unique number assigned to your electricity supply, not your meter. It will not change if your meter changes. It is usually referred to as a MPAN.
  • Meter Point Reference Number - This is a unique number assigned to your gas supply, not your meter. It will not change if your meter changes. It is usually referred to as a MPRN. 
  • Address – This is the address registered to your MPAN or MPRN. This may be different to the address your supplier puts on your bills.
  • Meter Serial Number – This is the number assigned to your electricity or gas meter. If your meter changes this number will change. You should be able to see this on your meter and it can be a mixture of numbers and letters.
  • Supply History – This can include past and present suppliers, failed change of supply attempts and the meters assigned to the supply and when they were installed/removed.
  • Metering Agents – These are the agents appointed by your energy supplier to look after your meter and take readings.
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My information is incorrect - What do I do?

Sometimes your information may be incorrect on the enquiry services. When this happens your Energy Supplier will tell the companies who manage the services to update the information. They are called Electricity Retail Data Agents and Gas Retail Data Agents. Only they can update the enquiry services. Your Energy Supplier and the REC Code Manager do not hold access to be able to do this. 

Your Energy Supplier should only request to change information if they are sure it’s correct, so they will need to investigate the issue before sending the changes. Sometimes you, or your Energy Supplier, will need to take further action before the Gas and Electricity Enquiry Services can be updated, for example making sure your address on Royal Mail is correct. 

If you have asked for your information to be updated and it hasn’t been completed, the best thing for you to do is speak with your Energy  Supplier and raise a complaint if you remain unsatisfied.

If your supplier does not resolve your complaint within 8 weeks you can raise a complaint with the Energy Ombudsman by clicking the following link Complain Now
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