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For Action REC Parties only: Performance Assurance Dashboard Update Survey


The ‘Risk Driver – MPxN Level’ / ‘Risk Driver Exceptions Drilldown’ tab of the Performance Assurance Dashboard shows individual meter points who have been associated with a minor or major score against a specific Risk Driver. Currently, the tab shows real meter points for some Risk Drivers, while pseudonymised meter points are displayed for others particularly, those who are assessed using data sourced from the DTN Provider.

We have had feedback from some Parties that it would be useful to always display the real MPAN or MPRN number, rather than having to request the Code Manager to provide the real MPAN or MPRN. To address this, we are issuing this survey.

What will happen next?

The Code Manager will review responses to the survey, and following the deadline, implement a change to publish real MPxNs by default if you answer “Yes” to this survey. If you answer “No”, there will be no change for your organisation and the Code Manager will continue to publish pseudonymised MPxN level data where applicable.
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