Knowledge Base Article

REC Schedule 7 – Theft Reduction

See also: REC Schedules

The Theft Reduction Schedule which is mandatory for Suppliers, both domestic and non-domestic, Gas Transporters and Distribution Network Operators sets out the arrangements around Energy Theft and is designed to support Energy Suppliers to meet their obligations in Condition 12A of the Energy Supply Licence.

You can access this schedule with a Portal account on the Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR).


  1. Theft Reduction Strategy
  2. Energy Theft Tip-Off Service
  3. TRAS
  4. Theft Detection Incentive Scheme   
  5. Theft Estimation Methodology
  6. Theft Target Methodology
  7. Theft Calculator


Theft Reduction Strategy

The REC Board  is responsible for creation and maintenance of the Theft Reduction Strategy which is designed to help Energy Suppliers minimise Energy Theft by detection, investigation and prevention. The Theft Reduction Strategy is required to be based on up to date cost-benefit analysis.

Energy Theft Tip-Off Service (ETTOS)

Main article: Energy Theft Tip-Off Service (ETTOS)

Annex 1 of this Schedule sets out the obligations for the Energy Theft Tip-Off Service (ETTOS) that both the ETTOS Service Provider and each REC Party need to comply with. The ETTOS service is provided by the ETTOS Service Provider


The Schedule obligates the RECCo Board to procure, implement and maintain a Theft Risk Assessment Service (TRAS) as described in Annex 2. REC Parties are obligated to provide cooperation to the RECCo Board in the procurement and maintenance of both ETTOS and TRAS

Theft Detection Incentive Scheme

The Theft Detection Incentive Scheme (TDIS) is outlined in Annex 3 of the Schedule. The Schedule brings together and combines the previously DCUSA governed Electricity TDIS and the SPAA governed gas TDIS.

Theft Estimation Methodology

The Schedule obligates RECCo to establish and maintain a methodology for determining each instance of Energy Theft. This is to be used as the conclusive means of establishing the amount of Energy theft. You can access the Electricity Theft User Guide and the Gas Theft User Guide which are all provided to assist you in your obligations.

Theft Target Methodology

The process for RECCo to establish and maintain a Theft Target Methodology for determining annual targets for Confirmed Energy Theft by each Energy Supplier is outlined in the Schedule. The REC Board have an obligation to review this at least once every two years.      

The Theft User Guide has more information on the Energy Theft Process under the REC and your responsibilities including how to upload theft files to the Portal to enable the REC Code Manager to determine whether you have hit your theft target. 

Theft Calculator

The Theft Calculator should be completed in order to estimate electricity or gas consumption. The Theft Calculator Technical Guide and the Theft Calculator Tools are provided to assist you. The Theft Calculator tool is designed to be as simple as possible whilst still capturing an adequate amount of data to come up with a good estimate of the quantity of electricity or gas which a home or business could be expected to consume.