Knowledge Base Article

Change Register

The Change Register provides REC Portal users with an overview of all Retail Energy Code Change Proposals and Issues, including both live and historic changes.

The Change Register is updated each time a new Change Proposal or Issue is submitted and accepted, and the associated Change Proposal or Issue Page has been created, or a Change Proposal or Issue moves to another stage of the Change Management process.

The tool allows users to search and filter Change Proposals and Issues using the following criteria:

  • Title
  • Status
  • Planned implementation date
  • Impacted parties
  • Change/Issue category
  • Change path

Selecting a specific Change Proposal or Issue within the Change Register opens a dedicated page where users can access all associated information and documents.

A REC Issue will be proceeded by the letter I to distinguish it from a REC Change which begins with the letter R. When a REC Change Issue proceeds from an Issue to a Change it will keep the same number that it had as an Issue and the proceeding letter will change from an I to a R. 

The Change Register is accessible through the Change and Release area of the REC Portal.