Knowledge Base Article

Debt Assignment Protocol (DAP) Workshop (25 August 2022)

On 25 August 2022 (10:00 - 12:00), the REC Code Manager hosted a virtual webinar to encourage discussion from Parties to understand their feedback, concerns and considerations on the solutions proposed by the Code Manager to improve the DAP process. 

DAP Overview

The REC Code Manager is monitoring market performance across different areas of the REC, as detailed in the Risk Register (download). As part of our Performance Assurance activities, we have identified a process that is delivering poor customer outcomes, delaying switches by over a month, or preventing them taking place at all. This process is the Debt Assignment Protocol (DAP).

The DAP is designed to help domestic prepayment customers who are in debt to switch Energy Suppliers. After monitoring this process from September to December 2021, the Code Manager identified from DTN data provided by ElectraLink that several Parties have not been completing the required process steps in most cases.

The Code Manager hosted an industry workshop on 31 March 2022 to gather insight into the root causes of the issues in the process and conducted a subsequent consultation in July 2022 to gain feedback on solutions proposed to make the DAP process more efficient.

Following this consultation, the Code Manager wanted to give Parties an opportunity to provide feedback on potential process improvement ideas on DAP. This workshop focussed on further discussing solution ideas from the first DAP workshop. Additional workshops are taking place in relation to other elements of REC Change Proposal R0037. The Code Manager will be collating feedback from each of these workshops and a joined-up solution will be progressed as a part of R0037.


The recording of the session can be found here: