Knowledge Base Article

Cross Code Steering Group (CCSG)

See also: Schedule 5 - Change Management

The Cross Code Steering Group (CCSG) is a group established by Ofgem and managed by the REC Code Manager, in conjunction with other Code Managers,  to support the development of change proposals that impact multiple energy codes.


  1. Responsibilities
  2. Membership
  3. Lead Code Determination
  4. Decision Making
  5. Further reading



The core role of the CCSG is to:

  • provide its views on whether a potential change to one Energy Code is likely to have an impact on the other Energy Codes or on the parties to those codes;
  • determine whether a potential change to one Energy Code is likely to require a parallel or consequential change to another Energy Code; and
  • where a potential change to one Energy Code is likely to require a parallel change to another Energy Code, determine which Energy Code is to be used as the lead code for the change.

The CCSG removes duplication for Parties that might be affected by multiple Energy Codes whilst still ensuring that all impacted parties have the ability to engage in the change process.


CCSG membership consists of 1 representative from each of the following industry codes

  • Retail Energy Code (REC);
  • Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC);
  • Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA);
  • Uniform Network Code (UNC);
  • Independent Gas Transporters Uniform Network Code (IGT UNC); and
  • Smart Energy Code (SEC)

In addition to the appointed CCSG members, representatives from the Authority and any Service Provider that may be impacted may be invited to attend. Invited members are not eligible to vote.

Lead Code Determination

When determining the lead code for Change Proposals the following principles apply

  • Where the change proposal impacts Market Messages or Data Items in the Data Specification, the main Meta Data Owner for those Market Messages and Data Items should be the lead code;
  • Where a code body has primary responsibility for the development of the solution the code with responsibility for the core solution should be the lead code.
  • The origin of the Change Proposal should be considered as this may indicate who should be the lead code.
  •  Where the purpose or intent of the change proposal clearly aligns with the relevant objectives of a particular code, that code should be the lead code

Once the lead code is established the representative for that code is responsible for the Change Proposal. Where necessary CCSG may ask Ofgem for a view on who the lead code should be.

Decision Making

The CCSG is not required to be quorate and members of the CCSG are expected to act co-operatively to agree a consensus. Where a consensus cannot be reached decisions will be passed by a simple majority of CCSG members present. If a majority cannot be reached the Chair will have the casting vote. If the Chair represents a Code involved in the dispute the Deputy Chair will have the casting vote.

The Chair of CCSG is currently the REC Code Manager and the position is held for 12 months. After this period the Chair will pass to a representative of the other codes, determined by a vote of members. The Chair appoints the Deputy Chair from the representatives.

Further reading