Knowledge Base Article

Operational Account Manager (OAM)

Operational Account Manager (OAM)

The Operational Account Managers (OAMs) are part of the REC Code Manager's stakeholder engagement team which guides the entry and exit of REC Parties through the REC and all the processes in between. The OAMs are the front-line information providers to REC Parties and work with Parties to ensure everyone is aware of timescales and responsibilities and has the relevant guidance and training to assist in meeting their REC obligations. The OAMs also work with all the relevant service providers including the Central Switching Service (CSS), Electricity Enquiry Service (EES) and Gas Enquiry Service (GES).

When you accede to the REC you will be provided with a named OAM who will become your primary contact. If you are unsure who your OAM is you can contact the Service Desk who will be more than happy to assist you.

From August 2023, the Code Manager has extended the provision of the OAM service to cover non-Party REC Service Users (currently excluding TPIs and Non-Domestic Consumers (NDCs)), to support with their understanding of the REC Portal, Products, services, access requirements and queries.