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Enquiry Services (EES and GES)

See also: Schedule 12 – Data AccessSchedule 10 - REC Charging Methodology

The Electricity Enquiry Service (EES) (formerly known as the Electricity Central Online Enquiry Service (ECOES)) and the Gas Enquiry Service (GES) (formally known as the Data Enquiry Service (DES)) are services governed under the Retail Energy Code (REC) which allow EES and GES Users to access market data where they are entitled to do so.


  1. Accessing the Enquiry Services
    1.1. API Access
    1.2. API Access Charges
    1.3. API Usage Charges
  2. Using the Enquiry Services
    2.1. Manual Search Data Limits
    2.2. API Data Limits2.2. API Data Limits
  3. Using the Enquiry Services
    2.1. Manual Search Data Limits
    2.2. API Data Limits
    2.3. One-off Activity


Accessing the Enquiry Services

REC Schedule 12 – Data Access sets out the requirements for becoming an Enquiry Service user, alongside the Data Access Matrix which governs the data that different categories of EES and GES Users can access and the purposes for which that data can be used.

To become an EES or GES User you need to be either a Qualified REC Party or a Qualified Non-Party REC Service User. You can find more information about the process of becoming Qualified in the Entry and Exit User Guide.

API Access

If you are a REC Party and wish to access the EES or GES APIs, this can be done through the REC Portal by selecting the Applications tile within Party Operations. If you require any assistance with this, please contact the REC Code Manager via the Service Desk. Costs for REC Parties are recovered in accordance with the REC Schedule 10 – the REC Charging Methodology and there are no specific usage-based charges.

API Access Charges

EES API access charges are set out in the Section 6 of the REC Charging statement. EES API charges apply to Third Party Intermediaries, Third Party Intermediary Service Providers, Alt HAN Company and the Microgeneration Certification Scheme Service Company. 

There are no specific set-up charges for the use of the GES API.

API Usage Charges

EES API usage charges are set out in the Section 7 of the REC Charging statement. These apply to Third Party Intermediaries, Third Party Intermediary Service Providers, Alt HAN Company and the Microgeneration Certification Scheme Service Company.   

GES API usage charges are set out in the Section 11 of the REC Charging statement. These apply to Third Party Intermediaries and Third Party Intermediary Service Providers only.

Using the Enquiry Services

You can access a series of User Guides which will guide you through the process of using the Enquiry Services. These differ depending on the Enquiry Service that you are accessing and your user type.

Manual Search Data Limits

The limit on manual searches for EES is set out in Section 5 of the Electricity Enquiry Service (EES) Service Definition. The limit on manual searches for GES is set out in Section 5 of the Gas Enquiry Service (GES) Service Definition

API Data Limits

The REC Charging Statement sets out the usage plans available for Enquiry Services Users.

Section 7.3 of the REC Charging Statement outlines the charges that may be applied by RECCo should the number of EES API searches in a usage plan be exceeded.

Sections 11.3 and 11.4 of the REC Charging Statement outline the charges that may be applied by RECCo should the number of GES API searches in a usage plan be exceeded. 

One-off Activity

If you are planning to complete an activity such as data cleanse or migration that will impact your use of the enquiries services please contact the Enquiry Service prior to commencement with the following information:

  • Predicted number of enquiries
  • When you are planning on doing the activity, and over what period.
  • How you plan to complete the activity
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