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The Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR) Digital Navigator

The Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR) is the home of the digitalised Retail Energy Code (REC). Its enabled through a Digital Navigator platform, which can be accessed through web browser with no installation required. You can navigate directly to this platform when selecting the EMAR Digital REC and Data Specification tab on the left-panel. 

EMAR is an online tool designed to help users better understand, manage and apply the REC. EMAR is now available via a Digital Navigator platform, but the previous IBM Jazz platform can still be accessed. They contain REC schedules (legal text); the REC Data Specification; The Release Management tables; Code Road Map and Meter Product Data.

The EMAR platforms were built to help simplify the process of understanding the codes, so that anyone could read into the code and/or market scenarios and gain an understanding of a given process. From linked terms to simplified process maps EMAR works to make understanding the code for all, instead of the traditional approach which relied on subject matter experts to interpret the code.

To view the EMAR visit the EMAR Dashboard. (for Portal account holders only).

Should you want to learn more, the Digital Navigator User Guide, provides an overview of the platform and it's features. Additionally the IBM Jazz platform is still available for users to access via the Digital Navigator, by selecting 'IBM Jazz' from the Digital Navigator homepage and the EMAR User Guide provides an overview of the tool. There is also an EMAR FAQ available too.

  1. The EMAR Code Schedules
  2. The REC Data Specification
  3. Meter Product Data
  4. Market Scenarios
  5. Navigating REC Versions in EMAR   
  6. Viewing the REC Version History


The EMAR Code Schedules

The REC sets out the rules and regulations put in place for the market. The EMAR contains the master version of the REC, which is split out into a series of schedules.


The REC Schedules can be accessed via the Digital Navigator Dashboard.

The dashboard has split into a number of catrgorised sections to help with navigation to the relevant area. Once a selection has been made on a category, all the associated LIVE REC Schedules will be displayed in the section to the right. Once a schedule has been selected this will automatically open in the same browser window. Where it can be downloaded. 

The REC Data Specification

The REC Data Specification defines the Market Messages and associated Data Items that are sent between Energy Market Participants. The Data Specification contains messages and data items governed under the following energy industry codes:

  • The Retail Energy Code 
  • The Balancing and Settlement Code (BSC)
  • The Distribution, Connection and Use of System Agreement (DCUSA); and
  • The Smart Energy Code (SEC)

In terms of the items governed under the REC, the data specification contains:

In addition to the Market Messages and associated Data Items, the REC Data Specification also contains gas Meter Product Data.

You can access the REC Data Specification via the EMAR Digital Navigator and you can find out more about the Data Specification in our REC Data Specification Guidance Document (July 2023). 

Meter Product Data

The Meter Product Data is part of the REC Data Specification and can be accessed via the Digital Navigator and IBM Jazz Platforms. The Meter Product Data relates to gas meters and consists of:

  • A zipped file containing the following spreadsheets:
    • Meter Product General
    • The Meter Product Table
    • The Converter Product Table
    • The Meter Product Shadow Log
    • The Converter Product Shadow Log
  • An EMAR page containing the Response Codes for RGMA messages.

You can find out more about the Meter Product Data in our Meter Product Data Guidance Document.

Market Scenarios

Market Scenarios are process diagrams that provide end-to-end visualisations of the processes set out in the code schedules, specifically the interface tables. These Market Scenarios are intended to provide the user with a high-level overview of a given process.


The Market Scenarios provide a high-level overview of the owner of activities, the order of them and what initiates these tasks.

You can access the Market Scenarios via the Dignital Navigator, and via the IBM Jazz Platform (where each Market Scenario is linked to the code so the user can link out to the code to find more detail should they desire). 

Navigating REC Versions In EMAR Digital Navigator

The EMAR contains not only the current version of the REC but also all historic versions from V2.0.0 onwards and can be accessed in both the Digital Navigator and IBM Jazz platforms. 

You can identify the status of a stream from its title, which will contain:

  • “Superseded” if it is a historic version of the REC
  • “Live” if it is the current live version of the REC
  • “Pre-release” if it is a version that is due to go-live at a future date

You can find out more about the REC versions, such as which Change Proposals were implemented in each release, by viewing the REC Version History.

Viewing the REC Version History

Within the EMAR Digital Navigator platform you can view the version history by using the REC Version drop down which is available on the REC Schedules landing page. This will list the Live version of the REC and all previous superseded versions. The Digital Navigator platform also holds a section for Pre-Release Information which provides a list of associated REC Schedules which have had amendments following a Change Proposal's approval. Documents contained here will have the appropriate red-lining to easily identify the changes that will occur. 

This can also be accessed via the IBM Jazz platform through the “Release Management” tab on the EMAR Dashboard (only for Portal Account holders). This tab contains a table listing the versions of REC contained within the EMAR and the REC Change Proposals implemented in each.

REC Service Desk Previous

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