Knowledge Base Article

REC Change Issues Group

The REC Change Issues Group is a forum for the discussion of Retail Energy Code (REC) issues or Change proposals raised by industry and as a point of development of issues that may enter the REC change process. 


  1. Responsibilities
  2. Memberships
  3. Recommendations
  4. Meeting Frequency and Documentation
  5. Issues



The key functions and responsibilities of the REC Change Issue Group include:  

  • To provide an opportunity to discuss issues raised and monitored via the REC Portal or as raised by REC Board, REC standing groups and committees or the Code Manager and assist with defining a resolution path in line with the delivery and operation of the REC. 

  • To defer to any standing group listed in the Terms of Reference (ToR) Appendix A, or other impacted industry stakeholders as may be appropriate. 

  • To make recommendations as to the progression of issues raised to it as set out in the ToR Appendix B. 

  • To maintain a log of the issues raised to the Group to be published on the REC Portal. 


Any Party may send a representative to the Change Issue Group with the relevant expertise required to discuss the matter(s) at that meeting. Such representatives shall have the required authorisation to represent the views and interests of their organisation. Any other interested market stakeholder may send a representative with the relevant expertise required to discuss the matter(s) at that meeting, subject to the approval of the Chair. 

The Code Manager may invite any Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) they require to discuss the matter(s) at that meeting.   


In making any recommendations on a matter, each representative may offer an opinion. 

Before opening any matter to a recommendation, the Chair will confirm representatives have enough information on which to base a recommendation. If a representative indicates that further information would allow them to make a recommendation, the Chair may at their sole discretion delay the decision to a later time or date if they consider that the requested information would reasonably be available within that time. The Secretary will record any dissensus where not all representatives agree on the recommendation.  

The Code Manager will work with the issue proposer to determine the action to be taken following the conclusion of recommendations.  

Meeting Frequency and Documentation 

The Change Issue Group will usually meet once a month. 

The Final Agenda and meeting papers for each meeting will be made available five Working Days before the meeting via the REC Portal.  

Minutes of discussions will be published five Working Days after the meeting via the Portal.    

The Issues Log and Actions Log will be available on the dedicated Change Issue Group page in the Committees area of the Portal. 


Who can raise an Issue? 

REC Stakeholders, including REC Parties, Non-REC Party Service Users, Other REC Users, Service Providers, the Code Manager, RECCo and other industry parties. 

How can I raise an Issue? 

You can raise an issue by submitting a REC Issue form via the REC Portal.