Non-Party REC Service User - Definitions and Governance
Non-Party REC Service User
A Non-Party REC Service User is an organisation which is not a REC Party but has separately applied and qualified for access to one or more REC Services.
Non-Party REC Service Users are required to become a signatory to an Access Agreement and where applicable complete security assessments ahead of being granted access to REC Services. In some cases, charges may apply to access the REC Services.
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Access to REC Services
Applications for access to REC Services from potential or existing
Non-Party REC Service Users should be made via the ‘Party Operations’ area on the REC
Portal. Applicants will need to create a REC Portal account to
access the application form.
The following products are classed
as REC Services which are eligible for access applications from
Non-Party REC Service Users.
- Green Deal Central Charge database (GDCC)
- Electricity Enquiry Service (EES)
- Gas Enquiry Service (GES)
- Central Switching Service (CSS)
The Secure Data Exchange Service (SDES) and Energy Theft Tip Off Service (ETTOS) are examples of REC Services which are not eligible for access from Non-Party REC Service Users.
Ongoing Assurance
Non-Party REC Service Users are subject to an ongoing assessment process to maintain their qualification for access, including both submission of annual Compliance Statements and periodic external assessment focusing on information security and data protection compliance.
Full details can be found in the REC Service User Categorisation and Assessment Document located on the REC Portal.
Further Guidance
The Code Manager publishes and maintains a REC Entry and Exit User Guide which provides further information about the application process, maintenance of qualification, and withdrawal process, as well as providing contact information.