Knowledge Base Article

Introduction to REC V3.0 Webinar (12 May 2022)

On 12 May 2022, the REC Code Manager hosted a well-attended virtual webinar to inform REC stakeholders about the approach being taken to introduce Central Switching Service (CSS) arrangements into the Retail Energy Code. REC V3.0 would be introduced in the release scheduled for 18 July 2022.


To support REC Parties' readiness for CSS arrangements, the Code Manager hosted this webinar to inform stakeholders of the high-level principles associated with upcoming changes.

The Code Manager set out its plan for further communication and engagement events and milestones in the run-up to REC V3.0 implementation in July 2022.

The Code Manager welcomed questions from stakeholders on the high-level principles and plan for engagement. The Code Manager was joined by experts from RECCo who had been closely integrated with the Switching Programme, to support answering stakeholder questions.

For more information on REC V3.0, visit the REC Release Information page.


Click on the video below to see an edited recording of the session.


  • A list of questions and answers has been published post-event and can be found here.
  • Slidedeck from the session can be found here.