Knowledge Base Article

REC Schedule 5 – Change Management

See also: REC Schedules

The Change Management Schedule is mandatory for all REC Parties and sets out the change processes for the REC which include changes to both the REC Schedules and the Technical Specification. Operational Switching Changes are not covered by this Schedule and are dealt with in the Switching Service Management Schedule.

You can access this schedule with a Portal account on the Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR).


  1. Process Overview
  2. Cross Code Steering Group   
  3. Change Register  
  4. EMAR


Process Overview

The Schedule defines and details the five stages of the REC Issue and Change Proposal Process to be taken before implementation which are:

  1. Verification
  2. Assessment
  3. Definition
  4. Change Proposal
  5. Voting 
  6. Appeal Window
  7. Release 


You can find more information on the Change Process in the REC Change Management User Guide.

Cross Code Steering Group

The Schedule directs the Code Manager to establish a Cross Code Steering Group which manages interactions between the REC and other energy codes.

Change Register

The requirement for the Code Manager to create a Change Register and publish are detailed. The Change Register holds all current and past Issues and Change Proposals and is held on the REC Portal.


EMAR is a digitalised graphical representation of the contents of the Code. The Code Manager is directed within this Schedule to maintain and update the EMAR to reflect and record the effect of every relevant change which is implemented.