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REC Release Management

REC changes are implemented through code releases which are managed through the Release Management process.


  1. Release Management Framework   
  2. Release Planning 
  3. Pre-Release 
  4. Questions and Clarifications 
  5. Technical Assurance and Testing 
  6. Training and Guidance 
  7. Implementation 
  8. Post-Implementation Review 


Release Management Framework 

Each REC code release is implemented using a framework that supports the different scales of changes that may require implementation. 

The Code Manager will decide in the first phase of the release framework, what phases are required for successful implementation and what tasks are necessary within each required phase. 

Updates to the REC is subject to version control following the implementation of a release. We operate a ‘major.minor.patch’ numbering format. 

  • Major: updates that add or entirely remove any Category 1 documents, as defined in the Baseline Statement 
  • Minor: updates that modify existing Category 1 documents or impact Category 2 documents, as defined in the Baseline Statement
  • Patch: updates to Energy Market Architecture Repository (EMAR) or the Data Specification that do not impact REC Products 

The terms ‘major’ and ‘minor’ have no relevance to the materiality of the release or the impact this has on market participants or service providers. This solely relates to the version control methodology. 

Release Planning 

When a Change Proposal has been approved by the responsible committee, the release planning will commence.  

The Code Manager will review the Impact Assessments to determine who needs to be consulted and informed to create the detailed release plan. This may consist of REC Service Providers or organisations that have a centralised system that will be impacted by one or more of the changes in the scope of the release. 

Once the detailed release plan has been baselined the Code Manager will develop the communication and engagement strategy and plan for the release. 

Both the detailed release plan and the communication and engagement plan will be used to create a release plan for REC Parties. This plan will highlight the scope of the release and the milestones that are of interest to parties e.g., end-user testing and drop-in sessions. The REC Party Release Plan will be published on the REC Portal under the Release Information page


For each release, the Code Manager will create a release-specific version of the REC in the EMAR, referred to as the ’pre-release stream’. Once a Change Proposal is approved any legal text and Data Specification changes will be made available in the EMAR ‘pre-release stream’. 

The EMAR ‘pre-release’ stream allows REC Parties to explore the upcoming version of the REC, view impacted artefacts by comparing versions of the REC and view the Data Specification.  

If you have subscribed to receive Change Management emails, you will be notified when a pre-release is available to access. 

Questions and Clarifications 

Following the publication of a pre-release, a feedback survey will be shared with you via the weekly Change bulletin. This survey will provide you the opportunity to raise your questions to the Code Manager relating to the release.  

Your questions will be used to inform the agenda for the release drop-in session, populate the FAQs and inform any additional guidance, or training requirements. 

Each release will have a drop-in session facilitated by the Code Manager, which will be held virtually via MS Teams. The purpose of the drop-in session is to provide you with the opportunity to learn more about the release scope, release impacts and to raise any questions, or concerns. 

You can still raise queries outside of this period directly with the Code Manager where these relate to specific or targeted issues. To do this you can raise a Service Desk Enquiry. 

Technical Assurance and Testing 

Where changes to REC Systems or REC Service Provider systems require a period of user testing, the Code Manager will issue an invitation to participate in testing to relevant stakeholders.  

Invitations will include all the relevant details of the testing activities, associated testing period and test plan. Invitations will also include details of the required participants and skill sets required for testing, any mandatory testing requirements and (where known) expected time commitments. 

Training and Guidance 

For each Release, the Code Manager will consider if specific training or guidance is required to support the consistent understanding of the changes across market participants. This will be first considered during the release planning phase. This will be revisited during the Questions and Clarifications phase, using the information provided by you in the feedback survey and the drop-in session. 

Training content will be targeted, relevant and proportionate to the change being implemented. Training will not be required for all REC changes but, will be provided where stakeholders may need more understanding of how a new process or system will impact their businesses, or where there is a particular need for consistent understanding and interpretation. 

Training can be provided through the provision of new materials such as user guides, pre-recorded audio or visual recordings, live webinars or remote workshops, or in extraordinary cases - in-person events.  


At implementation, all changes will be implemented into production of impacted REC systems or REC Service Provider systems and products will be available on the REC Portal and EMAR.  

During the Planning Phase, the Code Manager will determine what additional activities are required to support a successful implementation. These activities will be incorporated into a Deployment Approach. Example activities are a cutover plan (which may be utilised if there are multiple REC Service Provider system impacts) or an enhanced post-implementation support model. 

If an enhanced post-implementation support model is not required for a release, support will still be available via the Service Desk Enquiry Service. 

Post-Implementation Review 

For code releases that have technical changes, it may be determined in the Planning Phase or the Technical Assurance and Testing Phase, that stabilisation metrics would be beneficial to provide assurance that a release is operating successfully in the live environment.  

Any stabilisation metrics will be monitored during the Post-Implementation Phase for an agreed period. 

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